CÂN Y COED: Rainforest Symphony

Until 11 Sep 2022
Part of Unlimited
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A white woman squats on the roots of a tree that extend in the ground below her holding a boom mic. She is surrounded by foliage and trees.
Cheryl Beer

Hearing impaired environmental sound artist Cheryl Beer repurposes hearing aid and sensitive biomedical sound technology to give the rainforests of Wales a voice.

The artist’s work involves Welsh and English spoken word with subtitles, as well as British Sign Language.

In addition, Beer’s Sensory Solutions video deconstructs the notion that sound is a hearing-only experience, showing easy ways to experience the Rainforest Symphony through vibration, light, sight and touch.

Beer also shares her research in progress with regard to exploring sound through movement and colour.

Reuniting fragile enclaves that were once woven together beneath the soil, CÂN Y COED: Rainforest Symphony is led by the vascular systems of ancient trees, ferns and moss, collated by repurposing hearing aid and sensitive biomedical sound technology.

This empowers nature, picking out a voice from beneath the bark, where every note is led by the rainforests themselves.

Welsh version

BSL version

Audio Described version

Need to know

This event is British Sign Language interpreted (BSL) and Captioned in English and Welsh.

It also offers ways to experience the Rainforest Symphony through vibration, light, sight and touch.

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This film is also being screened in the Blue Room, Level 1, Royal Festival Hall as part of Unlimited On-screen, from Friday 9 to Sunday 11 September.
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Dates & times

Until 11 Sep


  • Standard entryFree

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