Sam Metz: Unpredictable Bodies

Until⁠ 11 Sep 2022
Part of Unlimited
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Art & exhibitions
An illustration on a black background with a white and grey fine line drawing of a man's silhouette. He is ducking to avoid a wave of white and grey lines above his head.
Sam Metz

This event has been cancelled.

Sam Metz’ animation explores the repetitive movements of neurodivergence, depicting stimming and tics through gestural line forms and dancing, unpredictable bodies.

Metz’ work researches, creates and reflects on the concept of what they refer to as ‘choreographic objects’.

A ‘choreographic object’ is any work Metz creates that has, through the process of making or in the way it looks, a relationship to the body and movement.

These works have included animation, analogue and digital film, paintings and crafted objects, such as 3D-printed forms.

These objects are created through movement and rhythm, whether in the form of still images lifted from film footage of Metz’ live art, or in the dynamic, repetitive gestures of their mark making.

Referencing space, time, rhythm, repetition and direction, the objects go on to inform choreography, as well as to document it.

They are reliant on visual empathy on the part of the viewer, who must interpret and respond to the works through and with the body.

As a neurodivergent artist with sensory processing differences, these objects allow Metz to work in non-verbal ways that begin and end in movement and embodied interactions without relying on traditionally privileged verbal and written forms of communication.

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Suitable for all ages

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This film is also being screened in the Blue Room, Level 1, Royal Festival Hall as part of Unlimited On-screen, from Friday 9 to Sunday 11 September.
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Contains some flickering imagery that may have a strobe-like effect if viewed in a dark room.

Dates & times

Until⁠ 11 Sep


  • Standard entryFree

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